Friday, October 29, 2010

And what??

I can NEVER comfortably type my new email address in one seamless attempt. just isn't a valid string of letters; my head just cannot comprehend the oddity of it. No one needs to be reminded of the fact that I'm from New Zealand. NO ONE.

Sooo... Armageddon much? Why yes, I'll take 12. I was there the whole three days, and believe it or not took a sum total of around 50 photos, most of which were made up of Vic Mignogna signing  the alchemy circle outside (talented artists, those who drew it. Kudos). Record low. I guess my finger freezes when I'm nervous.


Saturday, October 16, 2010


I suppose this is the reason why I told Gabriel I wouldn't get a blog, apart from being cliche; I really don't update all that much, mainly because I get totally obsessed with university work.

I have decided, given that I'm taking a working holiday in Japan in two years, that I'd start translating all my stuff into Japanese so I can target their market before I arrive. Smart stuff. Time consuming.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

MOAR Social Networking Madness

So, if, God forbid, you're not that into Blogger, here are some other places I'm available:



I told Gabriel I wouldn't set up a blog, but all the professional photographers seem to be doing it including Aaron K, head of the AIPA, so why not?

Just for business interests.

They have pretty poo-poo fonts... I like Calibri; compact yet easy to read. Calibri is my fantasy writing-style - Verdana is closer to reality.

What to write about? Well, I guess it'd be a good idea to show a few of the images I've taken up until this date.

Promo Band Photos
Harry of Scaphist

Live Concert Photos
Morgan of Burning Solitude

Fine Art and Experimental Photography
Emma of
Whitecliffe College of Art and Design

Fashion Photography
Tamsin "Tami" Millward

Photo shoot for
Miss Pink Ribbon 2010 (top 10)